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Meat Free Monday

Almost 1/3 of all land on Earth is used for livestock production and agriculture is the single biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. Introducing Meat Free Monday to your school or workplace not only dramatically reduces your institution's greenhouse gas emissions but also helps raise awareness about the environmental issues associated with the agriculture industry. It also shows people that there are great veggie dishes on offer and help persuade them that they can easily reduce their meat consumption and don't have to become fully vegetarian to make a difference.

The Meat Free Monday and Meatless Monday websites have some really useful resources including meal plans, leaflets, videos etc. :

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This is a website built to be a free, accessible data set of resources for eco groups at secondary schools. It will hopefully grow as more people add their projects and ideas, and we can create a network of school groups all fighting for change. 



© 2023 by Make A Change.

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