How to set up your eco group
1 . Create a list of reasons why there should be an environment committee in your school and what you will do in this committee (for ideas see Projects and Why you should create an eco group)
2 . Find a teacher in your school who is passionate about the environment and explain your idea to them (perhaps also to the head teacher)
3 . If they agree to help you, find a lunchtime/after school slot to run the club in. If no teacher is willing to help, find out if they’re happy to have a purely student run group and find a slot.
4 . Advertise when and where this new committee will be and what the purpose and importance of it is to the rest of the school using posters, assemblies and by word of mouth.
5 . In your first meeting, decide what projects you want to start! (see Projects for ideas)
Creating an agenda and an action plan
Creating an action plan either with your group or before you start is essential to keep your group focused, it will allow you to successfully complete many more projects in a shorter amount of time. Make sure you edit the plan as your group progresses to ensure it stays up to date. Take a look at the example action plan below to get you started. It involves deciding which projects you want to carry out, what you will have to do, and who will do it, as well as what you want to discuss in your group's meeting.
Sustainability policy
You could encourage your school to come up with a sustainability policy like the one below, or try draft one in your eco group. It helps to cover all aspects of being eco friendly and the practical steps (including who you need to contact) to do so.
https://www.eco-schools.org.uk/about/ - this website has some great resources and ideas
With them, you can work to achieve a Green Flag Award for your eco group
UK Student Climate Network (UKSCN) also has some helpful advise on how to set up a group and what you can do in your group as well as resources on the link below:
The climate coalition also has some ideas for projects