With so many environmental disasters going on in the world, it can be really overwhelming, especially when you feel your the only one fighting to make change. Starting an eco group can bring hope that there are a group of people fighting to make change.
Creating an eco group empowers you and others in your school to make a change. Starting with pupils in your group but extending to the whole school community - if they see you making a change, they'll believe that they can too.
Young people are some of the most creative, fast learning, open-minded and ambitious individuals, it's natural that we should lead the change!
Spread the word
The school community is one of the best places to spread awareness. You can access a group of pupils, parents and teachers who are all (or mostly) receptive to learning about issues and making change. This is especially true for the pupils as young people are the most open to new ideas.
If young people come together and start creating groups to tackle environmental issues, we can not only inspire other schools around the world to follow, but also older generations. If people in power see that even school children are acting to protect the planet, they will be encouraged to do the same.
Practical action
An eco group is brilliant way to make physical, tangible changes in your school and local community, where you can clearly see the effects of your actions. Whether it's the disappearance of meat on your school menu, a reduction in plastic waste or a change the attitudes of pupils, teachers and parents alike, your actions will make a massive difference.
Our future
Ultimately, it's our future that will be affected by environmental issues (there's no planet B!). And we will be the generation that either manages to save our earth or be victims to a mass extinction. We need to do everything we can to try stop climate catastrophe, plastic pollution, habitat destruction...
When we start to act, hope is everywhere. So instead of looking for hope - look for action. Then the hope will come.
~Greta Thunberg​