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Reusable coffee cups

In the UK, we use 7 million coffee cups each day, 99.75% of which cannot be or are not recycled (BBC, 2018), and end up either in landfill, an incinerator, or in our rivers and oceans… Encouraging everyone to invest in a reusable coffee cup is a great way to reduce waste (you can get them from as cheap as £1!). You could:


  • Stop providing single use cups at your tuck shop

  • Make the price of hot drinks at your tuck shop cheaper if you bring a reusable cup

  • Put up posters to encourage the use of reusable cups

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This is a website built to be a free, accessible data set of resources for eco groups at secondary schools. It will hopefully grow as more people add their projects and ideas, and we can create a network of school groups all fighting for change. 



© 2023 by Make A Change.

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